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Register as an Organ Donor

In Memory of

Olivia Barnett

January 3, 1979 – August 18, 2020

Olivia was a wonderful daughter, sister, fiance and friend. If you knew her you were blessed to have her in your life.
She was a hard worker. She loved her job as a Merchandiser. She had many friends from work. When the pandemic hit and it became mandatory for face masks, Olivia took it upon herself to sew over 200 face masks and distribute them to the employees of her assigned stores who could not afford to buy them. She never asked for anything in return.
During her spare time Olivia loved to sew. I remember one weekend in 2016, she asked me to teach her to sew. She started out making a pillow case and in a few weeks she was making Halloween costumes for herself and Bryan, her fiance. She was so talented, it was amazing! Every year her friends and I couldn’t wait to see her Halloween costume.
Following her tragic death, Olivia was able to provide gifts through organ and tissue donation. Olivia is one of three greatest gifts God has given me, my children. I am grateful for the life I have had with her. I am very proud of her for sharing her love and kindness through organ donation.

To Thine Own Self Be True
William Shakespeare

Donor Mom, Connie Wilson