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In Memory of

Kevin Buczek

September 19, 1990 – November 1, 2020
clairton, Pennsylvania

Kevin Buczek unfortunately passed away at 30 years old on November 1st, 2020. He was a loving son, brother, father and uncle. He was born on September 19th, 1990. He leaves behind a son, Jax and two daughters, Josie and Aubrie (daughter of Ashley Mcnally). His fiancée was Sarah Plavko. Six nieces and 3 nephews. He has 5 siblings, Cara, Courtney, Rodney, Linzey and Cody. His parents are Rodney and Karrie Krivansky. Kevin was a very kind and generous person. He always had a red bull in his hand while he hooked up speakers or working on his Mustang. Kevin is now resting peacefully with his grandmother Laura Mae Kircher.

His dedication to his family was incredible, especially to his children. Nothing meant more to him than being a good father.

Karrie Krivansky