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Register as an Organ Donor

In Memory of

Jack Silverstein

June 1, 1946 – May 13, 2020

My husband received the gift of life of a kidney and pancreas on our 12th wedding anniversary, September 1-2, 2002. Jack tirelessly became a champion for organ donation and was an avid volunteer for CORE and the transplant centers at UPMC and Allegheny Health Network. He was the co-founder of the Western PA Kidney Support Groups. He was the recipient of many awards as a result of his continuing efforts to promote organ donation. Jack was best known for honoring his donor, 17-year-old Jordan Fitzwater, by wearing a button with Jordan’s picture everyday–he never left home without it and he was not fully dressed until that button went on!

Jack received the gift of life and in the end he gave the gift of life. And in the nearly 18 ensuing years, he tirelessly championed for organ donation. His goal was that no one should die waiting for an organ due to the lack of donors.

There was never a question that he would be a donor. He was blessed with nearly 18 years of additional life because of organ donation. Upon transitioning into Hospice care, he immediately arranged with CORE to donate whatever he could. He was able to donate skin, tissue, bone and cartilage.

Jack received the gift of life and he gave the gift of life.

Donna L. Wolfson