In Memory of
A true and loving husband, father, grandfather & uncle to those of us you left behind. Your life was not easy as you took on more people to take care of instead of yourself. You always made time for the underdog and kept them under your wing to make sure they were safe and unharmed. Your loyalty to your parents was above and beyond to the point it consumed you. I am proud to be your wife and hope as you watch over me, the kids and grandchildren, we make you as proud. We will keep your legacy alive among us. There will never be another you, Tim. It is comforting to know you are not in pain any longer and that you rest in the arms of our Lord.
Tim gave of his life everyday. He never said ‘no’ when asked to do something or be somewhere. He loved his Irish heritage and was a true stubborn Irishman to the core but the heart of an angel to all who were lucky enough to know him as a friend, sibling or son. Tim lives on in three people who were recipients of his eyes and kidney. His beautiful sparkling blue eyes are out there somewhere seeing the world with his gift. One of his kidneys was a gift to make someone else’s life more manageable. Tim lives on in a different way and it is a part of his giving heart and one last gift.
You gave so much, I miss you terribly but you live on in my heart and others, Noreen